Thursday, April 1, 2010


Stephen and I spent from Sunday evening to Wednesday morning at Grupo Arenal Paraiso near Arenal Volcano. The resort that we were at was beautiful with lots of lush tropical growth everywhere. They had a hotsprings on sight with gradually hot poolers as you went higher up towards the source. The part that I liked best was being able to sit out on our patio at anytime of the day and having a wonderful few of the volcano and the beauty of the tropics.

We went on a tour of the volcano on Monday walking up to the site of the 1968 eruption. Very rocky and we got to see the regrowth of the forest where everything had been burned at that time. Later in the day we went to Baldi Hot Springs which is a big attraction in the area. 15 pools that got progressively hotter -- up to 153 degrees. OUCH!!

Tuesday was a taxi ride out to La Fortuna Waterfall. There was a 600 meter walk in to see it. What they didn´t tell you that it was 600 meters of steps going straight up and down. The falls was worth the hike. Stephen took lots of pictures of me standing dangerously close to the tumbling water from the safety of the dry rocks. I wonder if he was thinking insurance at that point.

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