Sunday, October 3, 2010

Shirts are Eternal Family

October 1st, 2010, was a brilliant day for the Nimers and Shirts families. As parents of Matt and Jenny, we were all excited to be able to be in the temple when they were sealed to each other for time and all eternity. Then in walked Sam and Kelsie who kneeled with their parents at the altar in the Salt Lake Temple and were bound to each other forever. What a powerful event.

I was blessed to be able to go and help Jenny get dressed and to spend a little time with her before she was taken to be with Matt. I am so happy for her and her family. Glad that she has received this blessing in her life.

It was wonderful to hear Matt's mom say what a great mother Jenny is to the girls. She said she was so patient and loving not to mention extremely talented. I loved having her recognize this about Jenny and to know that she is appreciated by her in-laws.

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