Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stanley Walks Through the Sky

This morning our group decided to take a walk through the canopy near the Arenal Volcano. There were about 20 bridges that we walked across including 5 long suspension bridges which were very wobbly especially when you had ten people or more on them. Stanley had his picture taken on one of those bridges as well as at the waterfall that was a little off the path.

We saw lots of birds and even a little red poison dart frog (that Grandma spotted). We were on our last long bridge when I looked up at a tree on the far end and saw three dark shapes -- they were monkeys. The group got excited about getting to see monkeys when Bro. Stokes turned to his right and saw a black faced monkey sitting in the tree closest to the bridge -- it was only about 6 feet from us. It was a great hike!

We spent the afternoon in La Fortuna looking through souvenir shops and checking out the local food. Stanley found a couple of things that he wanted so we bought them for him. Quiet evening back at the resort hanging with friends.

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