Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ziplining through the Cloud Forest

Stanley wanted to go ziplining with us at Selvatura in the Monteverde Cloud Forest. Unfortunately, he didn't meet the height and weight limits. He did a lot of tandem zipping with me but unfortunately I couldn't get any pictures of him because he was on my back.

Grandpa, as you can see, was flying through the tops of the trees on the zipline. He was at times more than 100 feet off the ground. He makes it look so easy.

There were 12 ziplines and one zipline where Grandpa and I rode the zip across an entire valley for almost a mile. It was a little breezy. Then there was the Tarzan Swing where you climbed a really tall tower and then just stepped off and swung out over the trees. It was easy to see how Jane must have felt as she clung to Tarzan.

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